Membership Categories are as follows
1) Student Member
- To become a student member an applicant should be studying Corporate Governance degrees, undergraduate and master's students.
- University and Tertiary Institutions Students
- High School Students through a Corporate Governance Club
- By nature of being a student member the applicant is qualified to be a future director
Benefits of a Student Member
- One on one access to Guru/ expert Panel. This involves expert support from our mentoring group, comprising experienced people in the world of business – entrepreneurs, chairs, chief executives, business leaders, employers, coaches, HR specialists or legal experts.
- Access to our placement and internships noticeboard within our online student community. Any exciting internship and work placement opportunities from our director level members can be found within our online student community.
- IoD's members-only LinkedIn group. This elite network of professionals, entrepreneurs, directors, and business leaders is a perfect place to get your name and your business known among key influencers. The network can also be an invaluable sounding board, provoke interesting discussion and provide a great source of feedback.
- Access to e-Zim Director Magazine
2) Future Director
· Developing and growing the next generation of director talent
· The purpose of this category of membership is to groom and attract candidates for full membership. An applicant must be over 21 years of age and in full-time employment and not eligible for Associate membership to qualify for the Future Director membership.
· The Future Director membership is conferred for a maximum period of 5 years after the expiry of which full membership must be applied for.
Benefits of Future Director
- Access to regular social and networking functions with other company directors and executives on topical corporate governance issues.
- Subscription to the e-Zim Director Magazine
- Discounted rates for the Future Directors Training
- Appointment to a host board as a Future Director as an opportunity to participate in board meetings and discussions for 12 or 18 months.
- Access to IoD Business Communities.
- Eligible for the Future Directors Mentorship programme
- No voting rights
3) Full Member
By nature of being a full member the applicant is qualified to be a chartered director
- An applicant must be over 25 years, and be a "Non-Executive Director" of an "Entity" which is a solvent going concern of "Substance", as broadly defined below and have been:
- A Company Director for a minimum of three (3) years and be in business for a minimum of seven (7) years.
- A director for a minimum of one (1) year, having been in business for a minimum of five (5) years
- In business for a minimum of five (5) years.
- Must have completed IoD Company Direction Course
Benefits of Full member
- Unlimited 24/7 access to IoD content and resource center. (New)
- Access to regular social and networking functions with other company directors and executives on topical corporate governance issues.
- Subscription to Zim Director magazine.
- Monthly Online newsletters.
- Access to the Mentorship programme by a Fellow Member as a mentee.
- Eligible to mentor Associates, Future Directors, and student Members. (New)
- 10% discount for cash purchases worth +100us at Truworths and 5% discount for any credit purchases.
- Eligible for election into IoDZ Council.
- Eligible to be patrons on the Corporate Governance clubs.
- Access to IoD communities such as WhatsApp groups
- Has voting rights.
4) Fellow
By nature of being a fellow member the applicant is qualified to be a chartered director
- That has a minimum of 10 years Directorship experience in reputable organization's and have sustained their IoD membership for not less than 5 years, with an unblemished character.
- Must have completed the Company Direction Course
- Unblemished character
- For consideration, a member should have been a Director of a reputable organization for not less than 10 years.
- Have been full Member of IoD for at least five years
- Must be financially up to date in subscription payment for not less than five years.
- Be an active member of the Institute i.e. Attends training and events of the Institute
- Application must be recommended by another Fellow Member of the Institute.
- Must be or have been a member of at least one committee of the Institute and supports the activities of the Institute.
Benefits of Fellow Member
- This is a prestigious membership category
- Unlimited 24/7 access to IoD content and resource centre (New)
- Access to regular social and networking functions with other company directors and executives on topical corporate governance issues.
- 20 % discount on IoD Individual Director's Liability Insurance (New)
- 10 % discount on director development programmes, CPDs board inductions and evaluations.
- Subscription to Zim Director magazine
- Monthly Online newsletters (New)
- Eligible to contribute to the Institutes Publications
- Eligible to mentor all categories of IoD Membership. (New)
- Profiled in IoD publications.
- Attends one annual Top Leadership cocktail (New)
- Access to IoD UK Director Facilities
- Access to IoD communities such as WhatsApp groups
- Access to the ACGN Director Facilities in all member countries.
Any member with appropriate experience may apply for fellowship after being an Ordinary Member for three years.
5) Retired Member
- Applicant must have retired from formal employment
- Above 55 years of age
- Members who retire on the grounds of ill health, regardless of age, and will not be returning to any paid employment can also apply.
Benefits of Retired member
- Member to retain the existing membership category.
6) Honorary Member
- A member who has rendered outstanding service to the Institute
- Must be elected by council
Benefits of Honorary member
- Not liable to pay subscriptions, fees or any other levies imposed